itel to Commit to Some 750 Jobs in Saint Lucia by 2021

August 7, 2020
St. Lucia Times | August 7, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way business is conducted the world over, making way for new opportunities. Founder and Chairman of itelbpo, Yoni Epstein, said the company will be able to commit to some 750 jobs in Saint Lucia by the first quarter of 2021, as the pandemic has made evident to clients the need to diversify vendors and locations. The clients include a telecommunications company for which training has commenced to create 150 jobs, two retail giants with training to begin in August, and a second telecommunications company looking to commence before the end of 2020. “We have more looking to reap the benefits and the opportunities here in Saint Lucia and we’re expecting big things but we know that the Saint Lucian team can achieve these big things because I’ve seen it before and I know that with the support of the Government and the local private sector, all is well. As a global business, we must think globally. Together we will welcome new business, enhance our operational capabilities and connect people all over the world through technology and the warmth of the Saint Lucian people. We’ll work together to build economic prosperity and play our role in the new post-COVID world. Today marks the beginning of a shared journey to realize this vision,” Epstein said. Minister for Commerce, Industry, Investment, Enterprise Development and Consumer Affairs Hon. Bradley Felix describes the opening of itelbpo in Saint Lucia as an important milestone that represents a new phase in Vieux Fort’s Development, and the economic advancement of Saint Lucia as a whole. The Minister noted that the trickle-down benefits will be felt throughout the various sectors as the Government continues to take the necessary steps to develop Saint Lucia, improving the lives of all citizens. “Local providers of telecomm, electricity, water and other technical services also stand to benefit tremendously from itelbpo’s investment here. It is through collaboration and the investments of progressive companies like itelbpo that the government can take meaningful steps in shaping its ambitious economic policies. This is a strategic long-term commitment meant to transform the whole economy and also to harness the opportunities presented by emergent technologies and new industries. Partnership between business and government is vital if we want to make Saint Lucia the best place in the region to start or grow your business.” Chief Executive Officer CEO of Invest Saint Lucia indicated that extensive research has gone into the sector to determine how Saint Lucia could benefit. The addition of itelbpo according to the CEO brings Invest Saint Lucia closer to achieving its goal of 3000 seats by 2020. Invest Saint Lucia aims to secure 5000 seats by 2021. “We firmly believe that Saint Lucia has the capacity to tap into the global business process outsourcing (BPO) sector and we intend to work even harder at boosting those job numbers by attracting more investors to our shores in 2021 and beyond. One of our major strategies has been facilitating BPO investments from start to finish and assisting existing ones to expand. ISL also promotes Saint Lucia vigorously as an ideal location for BPO by continuously reaching out to prospective investors, attending international conferences and tradeshows and inviting investors to experience Saint Lucia for themselves, its culture and business environment. All of this has helped to spur growth in our BPO sector. Currently, we have seven different BPO companies operating locally.” The ribbon-cutting ceremony was held on July 15, in Vieux Fort, where itelbpo has established its base.
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