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itel Brightens the Holidays Through Donation Drives in Jamaica

itel's 4Ys Foundation brought holiday cheer to those in need by collecting and donating essential items to charitable organizations in Jamaica.

itel’s 4Ys Foundation Adopts an Island This Holiday Season

This December, itel decided to go above and beyond its much-needed food and toy drives in Jamaica as its 4Ys Foundation adopts a Guyanese island.

Contact Centers Can be Safe Workplaces, Even During COVID

As companies return to pre-pandemic business levels and employees return on-site, there’s still fear and uncertainty about working in a contact cent...

Era of “Super Agents”- Boosting Performance with the Latest Tech

Many CX companies love to throw around tech buzzwords. But how are the latest technologies being used in the real world to enhance agent performance?

Meet the Team Part 2: Our Experience & Activations Team

In part two of our “Meet the Team” series, we continue our deep dive into itel's leadership with our Experience & Activations Team. These ...

The “Workcation”: Next Big Travel Market Needs Unique CX

A new way of remote working is gaining popularity, the “workcation”. It's an up and coming travel segment that itel is uniquely positioned to ser...

Where’s My Package? Why Fulfillment Challenges Affect CX

While the global pandemic led to a surge in online shopping, this also resulted in supply chain issues that made the delivery experience more critic...

COVID-Ready Buildings Feature Modern Environmental Design

Learn more about itel's modern environmental design, which seeks to transform the contact center space into innovative, inspirational workplaces, with...

Meet The Team Part One: Our Strategic Growth & Development Leaders

itel has long been sought after for its smart solutions and valuable insights when it comes to delivering a superior customer experience (CX) for some...

Unveiling a New Brand: The itel Team Welcomes a New Look

The itel brand has a new look and employees were lucky to get a sneak peek at the new name, logo, and itel’s ambitious new vision for the future …